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Judging Criteria
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Classics Elements
The one-page entry summary must demonstrate sound planning, execution and results, and include a statement of objectives, budget, quantity produced and audience. Judging will be based on the merit of three criteria: 1) planning, 2) implementation and 3) evaluation. A description of research is optional but should be included if applicable. Also consider any specific information requested under individual Classics Elements categories.
Classics Programs
Judging will be based on the merit of four criteria: 1) research, 2) planning, 3) implementation and 4) evaluation.
Research | Planning | Implementation | Evaluation
Research – 20 points possible
Research is the systematic gathering of information to describe and understand a situation, check assumptions about publics and perceptions, and check the public relations consequences. Research is the foundation for effective strategic public relations planning.
Research can be identified as:
- primary or secondary
- formal or informal
- qualitative or quantitative
Primary Research: Investigation or data collected you do yourself or you hire someone to do for you.
Secondary Research: Using research findings of others or collecting information secondhand.
Research methodologies include:
- Focus Groups
- Surveys (phone, mail, online, email)
- Interviews (phone, intercept, in-depth)
- Tracking (calls, purchases, hits, actions, placements, etc)
- Media analysis
- Content analysis
- Observations, visits, field reports
- Complaint reviews
Scoring Rubric | ||
Excellent | Average | Needs Development |
Purpose Purpose of the project is stated. 4 points |
(N/A; purpose of the project is either stated, or not included) |
Purpose Purpose of the project is not stated. 0 points |
Use of Research Research methods used for the project are mentioned, and are identified as primary or secondary research. 4 points |
Use of Research Research methods used for the project are mentioned, but are not identified as primary or secondary research. 2 points |
Use of Research Research methods are not mentioned. 0 points |
Types of Research At least 2 types of research methods used for the project are listed (examples at left). 6 points |
Types of Research One type of research methods used for the project is listed (examples at left). 4 points |
Types of Research No types of research methods used for the project are listed (examples at left). 0 points |
Research Impact Information is included on how research results affected the creation or implementation of project objectives, strategies or tactics. 6 points |
(N/A; information on the impact of research is either included, or not included) | Research Impact Information is not included on how research results affected the creation or implementation of project objectives, strategies or tactics. 0 points |
Planning – 30 points possible
Successful public relations programs require proactive, strategic planning. This planning includes measurable objectives, is grounded in research and is evaluated for return on investment.
The Three-Step-Process:
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
Audience identification: Differentiates among publics, markets, audiences and stakeholders…
Goals: Statement that spells out the overall outcomes of a program…often related to one aspect of the mission or purpose.
Example: To increase public use of mass transit.
Objectives: The measurable result that must be achieved with each public to reach the program goal. Objectives should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-specific) and may establish milestones toward a goal.
Example: To increase ridership of public transportation in the Los Angeles metropolitan area by 8 percent among workers earning less than $25,000 per year within the first six months of the communication program.
Strategies: The overall concept, approach or general plan for a program designed to achieve objectives.
Example: Use communication vehicles that can be understood by a public with limited education to demonstrate that riding public transportation to work is an attractive alternative to driving.
Scoring Rubric | ||
Excellent | Average | Needs Development |
Three-step process The three-step process used to plan the project is stated. 6 points |
Three-step process A process used to plan the project is loosely stated. 2-4 points |
Three-step process The entry includes no mention of a process used to plan the project. 0 points |
Target audience Target audiences or publics are identified. 4 points |
(N/A; target audiences are either identified, or they are not) | Target audience Target audiences or publics are not identified. 0 points |
Identification of Goals Using the definition above, the entry identifies at least 1 goal. 4 points |
(N/A; either there is at least one goal mentioned, or none are mentioned) | Identification of Goals Using the definition above, the entry identifies 0 goals. 0 points |
Identification of Objectives Using the definition above, the entry identifies at least 2 objectives. 4 points |
Identification of Objectives Using the definition above, the entry identifies 1 objective. 2 points |
Identification of Objectives Using the definition above, the entry identifies 0 objectives. 0 points |
Identification of Strategies Using the definition above, the entry identifies at least 2 strategies. 6 points |
Identification of Strategies Using the definition above, the entry identifies at least 1 strategy. 2-4 points |
Identification of Strategies Using the definition above, the entry identifies 0 strategies. 0 points |
SMART Objectives All stated objectives meet at least 4 of these 5 criteria:
SMART Objectives At minimum, all stated objectives meet 2 or 3 of these 5 criteria :
SMART Objectives If included, stated objectives meet 1 or 0 of these 5 criteria:
Implementation – 30 points possible
Implementation: Executing the plan and communicating
Tactics: The exact activities and methods used at the operational level to implement a strategy and reach an objective.
Example: Conduct a “Why I’d rather be riding” essay contest.
Tactics are specific ways you will use your resources to carry out your strategy and work toward objectives.
A budget may include “staff time, volunteer energy and out-of-pocket costs (expenses for transportation, images, materials and fabrication).
Scoring Rubric | ||
Excellent | Average | Needs Development |
Timetable Starting and ending dates of the project are listed. 2 points |
(N/A; either the starting/ending dates are mentioned, or they are not) | Timetable Starting and ending dates of the project are not listed. 0 points |
Identification of Tactics Using the definition above, the entry identifies at least 5 tactics. 8 points |
Identification of Tactics Using the definitions above, the entry identifies 3-4 tactics. 4 points |
Identification of Tactics Using the definitions above, the entry identifies 1-2 tactics. 0 points |
Use of Resources An explanation is included describing how resources were used to carry out a strategy and work toward objectives. 6 points |
(N/A; either an explanation of this is included in the entry, or it is not included) | Use of Resources No explanation is included to describe how resources were used to carry out a strategy and work toward objectives. 0 points |
Budget General breakdown of budget is included, with financial figures, specific resource/time allocations, or other costs. 6 points |
Budget Budgetary aspects are mentioned, but specific financial figures, resource/time allocations, or other costs are not included. 2-4 points |
Budget Budgetary aspects of finances, resource/time allocations, or other costs are not mentioned. 0 points |
Overcoming Challenges At least 2 challenges (internal or external) are described, as well as how they were overcome. 8 points |
Overcoming Challenges One challenge (internal or external) is described, as well as how it was overcome. 4 points |
Overcoming Challenges The entry does not include a description of a challenge and how it was overcome. 0 points |
Evaluation – 20 points possible
Evaluation: Measure effectiveness of the program against objectives.
- verifies that public relations efforts were effective (because they met objectives)
- demonstrates return on public relations investment
- provides information for refining future public relations strategies
Examples of measurement methods include:
- Employee surveys
- Phone interviews
- Surveys (phone, online, mail, intercept)
- Content analysis
- Media analysis
- Tracking (calls, purchases, etc)
- Focus groups
Scoring Rubric | ||
Excellent | Average | Needs Development |
Examples Provided Evidence is presented of how ALL objectives were exceeded, met, or not met. 6 points |
Examples Provided Evidence is presented of how SOME objectives were exceeded, met, or not met. 2-4 points |
Examples Provided Evidence is not presented of how objectives were exceeded, met, or not met. 0 points |
Measurement Methods Specific methods of measurement are listed or described above. 6 points |
Measurement Methods There is evidence of measurement, but methods are not listed or described clearly. 2-4 points |
Measurement Methods Specific methods of measurement are not listed or described. 0 points |
Lessons Learned At least two ways to improve this project (if it were done again) are presented. 8 points |
Lessons Learned At least one way to improve this project (if it were done again) are presented. 4 points |
Lessons Learned No ways to improve this project (if it were done again) are presented. 0 points |